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4 - The Serial Car Booter

Business : Small Business Ideas

It may seem that being a car booter is a tough way to run a small business - sure you can make a few pounds here and there, but not enough surely?

Well it is true that it is probably not going to make you enough to live off, but can be a great supplemental income.

The trick is persistence - if you start buying and selling at these events, then the real value comes. Start by just attending as many as you can, and find an event where there is a decent selection and not just genuine tat. This is the sort to go to and frequent.

Look for bargains as well as selling your own goods.

It's a long term one - over time you will get a better and a better eye, and hence spot bargains and people selling items of value for low cost, and ignoring the junk.

This is where the real value comes in to the hobby - where you can collect great items over a period of years for a knockdown price.

By: Job Expert

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