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Annoying Spots, Just Keep On Coming!

Beauty : Skincare

Ok ok, so I'm just like any other teenager, who has a problem with the dreaded spots. Mine get better then worse, which is why I keep to the same routine to make sure I haven't changed something that could result in more spots. Also, an awesome product to invest in is "Freederm". It doesnt claim to get rid of your spots like Clearasil and Clean & Clear, etc, it says it will calm inflamations, which it does, true to its word. It makes spots considerably less red, and smaller, and over time, they become hardly noticable. Also, good makeup is a must-have, so if you wear foundation etc, get stuff that is thin and wont clog up your pores.
Good luck :)

By: Beccy

More spots advice

It can be hard dealing with spots when you are a youngster, and it can feel like you are the only person who is suffering.

It is good to remember that this is something that is very common and therefore many others are going through it too...

So try not to worry about it too much and most of all don't let it affect your confidence.

Yhh i recomend the freederm gel but something else that i do is drink a glass of lemon juice each day. Another thing i do is drink lots of water and if your like me and dont like the taste of water then drink it threw a straw it wont taste half as bad!
hope I helped bye x

Hello, im 13 and i have mild acne.
I went to the docters about a month ao ad they give me some sort of gell, well ive used all of the gell and there is no difference in my skin, ive tried everything to get rid of them. My spots are around my mouth (upper lip) is there any suggestions to my problem? Thankyou xx

Hello, im 13 and i have mild acne.
I went to the docters about a month ao ad they give me some sort of gell, well ive used all of the gell and there is no difference in my skin, ive tried everything to get rid of them. My spots are around my mouth (upper lip) is there any suggestions to my problem? Thankyou xx

To prevent spots, what I do is everynight before bed, I wash my face with water for a minute or two. If you suffer from spots, do not put on moisturiser, because really all is does is put more oil into your face. Spots are caused by grease, and oil is making your skin greasier. Do not dry your face after washing, let it dry on its own. Drink lots of water too. It makes a HUGE difference!!! Good luck!!!

If you have thousands of spots on ur head or anywhere then i recommend Witch Hazel you can find it in boots or other places. Witch Hazel helps stop spots from spreading and makes them disappear in a short while and you could also have toothpaste on ur head or other places even though it burns the burning it killing off the spot source and the centre of it making the spots drop off pretty fast

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