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How To Apply Coloured Nail Polish

Beauty : Cosmetics

1. Always apply a clear base coat before using a coloured polish, even if it is a pale shade. Doing so prevents any colours from staining your nails, and also gives you a smooth, even base on which to apply your colour.

Nail polish technique

2. The best way to apply colour is in three strokes: one down the middle and one down each side. Don't worry if you make a mistake though, just make sure your nail polish remover and some cotton buds are close by and the problem is easily rendered!

Painting Toenails

3. To prevent smudges when painting your toenails, always use toe separators, or if these are unavailable, place little pieces of cotton wool between your toes instead.

4. You don't have to wait for your first coat to dry before applying the second. The first coat will become wet again as soon as the solvent from the second touches it anyway. This is better than trying to cheat and just apply one thick coat! Two thinner coats will actually dry quicker.

5. Wait until this dries, then apply your top coat to seal.

By: Bev Woolfson on Sat, Jun 15th 2002

More nail polish advice

You shouldn't always use three strokes when painting nails (one down the middle with one on each side). if you have large nails paint the whole nail, if you have short or small nails paint the whole nail, if you have short fingers only apply polish to the centre of the nail and if you have wide nails apply nail varnish down the centre of the nail. colour wise i would suggest pale shades for short and stubby hands and for a delicate look use dark shades. .

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How do I remove nail polish off a white car? Thanks for your help....
- Sun, Aug 10th 2003

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