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How To Apply Lipstick Correctly

Beauty : Cosmetics

(1) Apply a lip pencil. Start on your natural lip line on the top lip and work outwards in short, light strokes.

(2) Begin on the bottom lip in the centre of the mouth.

(3) Next apply the lipstick inside the lip line either directly from the lipstick or with a lip brush

By: Fleur on Tue, Mar 15th 2005

More beauty tips advice

For a nice kissable pout, apply a dab of a lighter shade of lippy (the more shimmery the better) or gloss to the middle of your bottom lip.

Also, I put face powder on my lips before anything else goes on as it seems to make the lipstick last longer and prevent 'bleeding'.

Something i learnt whilst working as a makeup artist, do you lips last. When foundation is applied, make sure to put it on lips too. When you come to your lips, use your lip pencil as usual, the apply lipstick/colour with lip brush, get some tissue and kiss it. (buff) also put it between your lips and press them firmly together. Last touch, re-apply lipstick with brush and buff again.

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