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Cleaning Your Dog After The Winds Have Died Down

Pets : Dogs

If the winds start to pick up its better not to wash your dog because if you do you'll have to wash again cause he or she will get dirty from all the dirt and debree

By: Stephanie

More dogs advice

Yes you need to be sensible at the time that you clean the dog else you will spend all your time cleaning them and then there won't be time to do anything else with your day!

Also if you don't like spending time cleaning get a short haired dog or one who isn't very curious.

That way you will find you need to clean them less and also it takes less time - those with long hair can take a long time to wash for obvious reasons!

I have a seven year old Irish Kerry Blue Terrier,
Which if allowed will fight any dog at any time.
Mollie has got worse as she has got older, she will not allow you to brush her, if you try she will try and bight you. She won't go for walks.
Her nerves are terrible even though she will show aggresion without any notice.

She can show love and affection but only on her own terms. The more i try and learn her right from wrong the more she rebels.

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