Clear Up Your Spots Fast
Beauty : Skincare Hey...x Im Abigail And I No How It Feels To Go Through Endless Days Of 'Mum i have spots HELP ME' If So Im Excsactly Like You!!! Its Very Annoying especially when you like a guy But You Feel so Unconfident You Cant Ask Him How You feel Ive Found A Way To Help...x Go To A Shop And buy expoliating Face Wipes They Dont Need To Be Expensive I Got Mine Out of Aldi For Just £1:20 They Really Help If You Do It Once A Day DONT USE FOUNDATION i no you wanna make your spots un-viewable but trust me if you stop using it they will go away Drink Lots Of Water Or juice Juice will give your skin proteen to make your pores feel better and give it a glimmer of happyness insted of unhappyness..x There Are Lots Of Different Ways To Get Rid Of Those Horrid Spots But Ive Told You The Great Secrets Of How Mine Have Gone Away No They Wont Go Forever But If You Keep Using Your Wipes Or Being Heathy They Will Soon Go away Tell How you Have Done Good Luck...x Abigail x
More spots adviceHiya my back and chest are horribly spotty can anyone help me out ? please xx Thanks the advice it really does work im like wow lol i heard of the drinking water thing but i didnt really like the taste of it so i started drinking flavoured water and it does work its fabulous lol x I had spots since my teens 51 now...i spent a fortune on skin treatments/ doctors/medication etc to get rid of them and nothing worked...then..3 years ago i gave up dairy products and my spots cleared up within a week and ive never got them back!!i just stay off the chemist/dermatologist/beautician ever suggested was just by chance i changed my diet! One more way to get rid of pimples ia to mix a lil amount of milk wid lil amount of orange juice..Apply before going to bed..It reallu helps... I am going to America in a few weeks, and meeting an ex girlfriend of mine over there. I have always suffered with bad spots, and at the age of 24 is embarrassing. But these past few days it has almost cleared up, and my face looks the best it has ever. Here's how I did it. Heya. i just read your advise, i have started getting alot of spots latly im 13,, i asked mum and she says drink water and wash face often ,, i stareted doing it and its help realy well but no i stoped for no reason and there back so i think i best start my rutine agen and hope it works,, i also have started getting spots on my back and chest??? the ones on my back are verry painfull, and the ones on my chest arent ,, they havnt gone whilst i have been washing and drinking water what can i do??? Spots can be such a pain! i dont have terrible skin but i have big blckheads and spots on my forehead. But i think it makes a huge differenceby drinking a TON of water and washing your face morning and night. also by exfoliating twice a week it gets rid of blackheads! Also TCP is very good to get rid of scarring from spots! Well i tried everything the hot to cold wash the tea tree and evan the tooth paste nothing seemed to work so i tried tcp, +sudo-cream still never worked i made my mum buy me all the facial washes but they were still there so i tried nail polish remover it stings for a little but it really does the trick im not saying all the other methods work all skin types are different i hope this helped (: p.s. just like a bruise you can get rid of spot swelling with ice or anything cold. Hi, to get rid of spots on back and chest you can always use an exfoliating scrub, it may be slightly painful but just turns the spots to small red dots after about 2 washes, then they will gradually fade to nothing If you want to get rid of spots on you back and body Ok here i go this is what iv been doing for 2 days and all of my 4 spots have completly gone Thanks your tip really works ive been wantng to go out with this guy for ages and i finally got him YES!!! and all because of your tips thank you so much. Hey i am 17 and have had spots for like 5 years now:( i have tried every product their is clearisil, clean and clear the lot and none work. honestly. I have many spots on my face give me any good tip so that i should get rid off {{{Heyy. I used to always get sopts :| I hated them. Now i have clear skin all because i followed all of these tips - Well anythink can be used for spots but all i do is wear make up. to be honest i went through a little while without foundation and all of a sudden all the spots started to come through. i have a fat red one near my cheek and it really hurts. all u have to do is rub soap and salt together on ur hands and rub it into ur face. it works great n also...wear dream matte mouse dont give u spots!! drink lots of water based drinks too!!!!! Hey! Im Megan also Known as Rikki (cariba Heine) of H2o I have Had spots for 3 Years Now and I am Very Thankful They Have started to Disapear, the thing i used is i went to the Bathroom run the warm tap and splashed my face with warm water i dried it then got my clearasil, (clear blue bottle) and put it on a cotten bud and rubbed it on my Face it May Have stinged a bit but it was worth it its only been ten mns and theyre already starting to clear up HI everyone, i hahve spots either..i did everything you can think abt. but it got worse.. my dematologist gave me some advice and it really helped so i'm writing Hey im 13 and just recently(like say a week ago) had a REALLY bad breakout. it was a rash, but it felt like really tiny horrible spots. but what i did was rub sudocrem ALL over my face, and made sure it was fully absorbed. i then rubbed bio oil all over my face. i did this every morning and night, and eventually, my skin was feeling soft and how it used to be. it went in about 4 days. and if you think you're skin is going to break out again - just do the same thing again. Heey :O Well my mum brout this stuff home called hydrogen peroxide and was 3% it dosnt bring it down but it makes the white head come up so its esier to deal with however u want hope this helped :) Hey guys I know how u all must feel I hate spots and I really like my make up but that was giving me the spots and I still wanted 2 use it so my mam got me some bare essentials makeup which is really good 4 your skin and prevents spots I am alSo trying sudocrem and toothpaste overnight and leaving ice on 4 bout 10-15 mins so I will keep u posted on how that works my mAin tips are : keep your face clean wash it every day , drink at least 2. Litres of water per day , take any make up of after you have had it on and my extra secret tip is to get facewash to use on a daily basis to wash your face with warm water will clean it and the facewah will also help as long as you use it daily I would suggest : simple the brand and freederm the simple is pink in a clear bottle I think the make is netraugena or something hope this all helps the main thing is don't worry everyone gets spots and just think your not the only one !! Lol. X Ok, people think that you must Drink Water ect.. Sorry, Drinking water dosent help your spots Atall, it clenses the skin, it dosent remove Sebum which is what your skin produces.. Hey guys so Im new to this, but I have an awsome 3 day healing plan for spots:) you might not have these cosmetics but everyday get p and wash your face with fairly hot water then with cold-if you have, blob a bit of clearisil onto the spots if you don't have clearisil- diprobase or sudocream work just as good. Make sure to have at least 2 fruits a day and upto 4 litres of water or orange juice. Let air get to your spots and don't cover them up with makeup- it irritates them! Before you go to bed, put clearasil/ sudocream/ diprobase on your spots ect.Do this for atleast 2-3 days and your spots should have cleared up! Xx Hi xx Help:( i put on sudocrem and improved but idk if i was ment to wash it off so i did and it all red again:(( help me please!!:(
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