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Cocktail Recipes

Food And Drink : Drinks

Sex on the beach

1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
2oz Cranberry Juice
2oz Orange Juice


Add the Vodka and Peach Schnapps to a highball glass over Ice. Fill with equal measures of Cranberry and Orange Juice and Stir.

Designated Driver


100g Cranberries
100ml/3½fl oz Cranberry juice
500ml Blood Orange juice (Sanguinello)
juice of 1 lime
thin wedges of Lime
thin wedges of Orange
Mint sprigs
600ml Appletise, sparkling apple juice drink


Put the Cranberries into a medium/large freezer container, cover with water and freeze until solid.
Mix the Cranberry Juice into a large jug with the Orange and Lime Juices
Smash the sheet of frozen Cranberries into shards and put in the bottom of an highball glass, put a wedge of Lime and Orange and Mint Spring into the glass and pour in the Mixed Fruit Juices and top with Appletise.

Raspberry Champagne

3 tbsp Crème de Cassis
bottle of Champagne (Chilled)
A few Raspberries


Pour the Créme de Cassis into a Champagne flute. Slowly pour a bottle of chilled Champagne in the glass and, just before serving, drop a few raspberries into each drink.

Rhubarb and Vodka Jelly

500g rhubarb
400ml water
100g caster sugar
4 sheets gelatine , soaked in cold water until soft or 1 sachet powdered gelatine
4 tbsp vodka
1 tbsp Cointreau


Poach Rhubarb in water with some sugar until soft, drain the liquid into a jug and keep some of the rhubarb for serving. Warm up the strained rhubarb liquid and stir in the softened gelatine sheets or powdered gelatine until that has dissolved.
Stir in the Vodka and the Cointreau and then strain into glass. Chill until set, decorate with some poached Rhubarb.

By: Jade

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