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How To Conduct Interviews As A Photographer

Hobbies : Photography

On occasion you will need to do interviews as a photographer, for instance if writing a story to accompany a series of pictures.

In this case, you need to ensure that you ask simple and pleasant questions that are couched in words to get a good response.

Therefore use open questions, speak clearly, and keep the questions short and to the point.

Try to use words that elicit good response, like why, when, where, how and so on and so forth.

Also be sure to be polite at all times and show interest during the conversation.

Consider using a dictaphone to record or take copious notes so that you can remember all the key points after.

Write a list of the minimum you need to know to do a write up and check that list mentally as you go through.

Don't end the interview if at all possible until you are satisfied that the list is complete.

By: Stephen

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