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How To Create A Database Driven Site

Computing : Learning PHP

If you want to create a website that is driven through a database, and taking data from that database on a regular basis to display pages, then you first need to work out which database solution to use.

A popular combination used by many is mySQL.

If you have your own server then you'll need to install this, however if you use shared hosting services or providers then the case will probably be that it is already on your server or can be installed.

Once that is done, you should upload something called PhpMyAdmin to the server, as this will easily enable you to create and manage your tables.

Once the infrastructure is up and running, you need to create your tables which can be done without any commands through the PhpMyAdmin interface.

In terms of creating your site itself, you will then need to use simple queries to take data out of the database and if necessary put data back into the database.

In order to learn how to do this there is no substitute for buying a simple book on the subject, or alternatively reading some of the clear and excellent online tutorials.

By: Stephen

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