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How To Create A Decision Making Framework

Career : Career Techniques

We all have to make decisions at work. Some of them are easy or insignificant and therefore we are happy to give an answer straight away.

Others will require more thought so don't be afraid to say so in a meeting and go away and decide how to proceed rather than ever feeling pressured to give a decision on the spot.

When it comes to making your decisions, there are some simple frameworks you can use to help.

The most sensible is to write down the pro's and con's of making the decision either way - which is usually a yes or no decision. What would happen if you say yes, and what if you say no.

Sometimes the length of the relative list will help inform you, other times you will need to try and score each pro and con to work out the net score.

It can also help to get input from others in case you have missed anything significant off either side of the list.

For decisions that are not yes or no but rather sliding scale - for instance 'how much budget should I commit to this', then try to outline three positions that you could take and do the pro's and con's on that basis, to work out which is the most suitable position to adopt.

By: Stephanie

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