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How To Create A Great Essay

Education : English

To write a great essay, you need to make sure that you work logically.

Start with a beginning, have a middle and an end.

Write a quick list of key words or key points before hand to plan the essay and work them in.

Remember to ask yourself several questions about the question for instance what, why, where, when and how and try to go through them one by one and answer them all during the course of your essay.

The more thorough your treatment of the subject probably the better you will be able to do and the better your mark.

For essays not in exams, a good tip is to try to find a relevant quotation that you can use at the start or somewhere in the essay to support what you are writing.

This may be from the book or topic itself or a quote from some other author that sums up or expresses the viewpoint that you are looking to create.

By: Job Expert

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