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How To Deal With Falling In Love With A Friend

Relationships : Romance

It happens to many people over their lives, sometimes more than once - falling in love with a friend.

Often it is a gradual thing but then you wake up one day and realise that your feelings have changed. Of course it can take a matter of years and you gradually grow closer, or it can happen quickly - an acquaintance who was a friend who you suddenly see every week for a month or so and realise that you would actually like to go out with them.

But how do you deal with this, the potential complications and the potentially miserable affect it can have on you?

Well, you need to try and work out first if there are any reciprocal feelings. Trying to second guess this can cause heart ache and misery.

Therefore as usual with these things if there are no other complications, it can be best to ask the question directly.

If you get the answer you want, great, if the wrong answer, know this - it is much better to find out now and be miserable than to let it fester and eat at you for months or years of what if's until they meet someone else and always wondering what might have been.

Whilst it is one of the hardest things to do, exploring directly if the friend has feelings for you above friendship as soon as you start to feel that way is the only way to stay sane with this sort of problem; otherwise it just eats away at you inside and you always wonder and it can even detract from your friendship.

By: Stephanie

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