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Driving Theory Test Questions

Self Development : Success

The official DSA driving theory test has a multiple choice question section.

There are 45 multiple choice questions in the theory test that you must answer. On the first section, including the case study, then you need 43/50 to pass that part of the driving theory test.

The questions cover a large range of different categories, such as road signs for instance whereby you might be shown one of a variety of road signs and asked to show what it means.

It is important that you pass the theory test as you need it to do the main test and also of course to be safe on the road.

The best way to practice the questions is online, as there are websites that have a list of all the questions online. You can take sample tests, learn the answers to the questions, see which questions you have already viewed and generally prepare as well as possible.

So the best possible preparation is to undertake the driving theory test questions online and answer all of them before the exam, so that way you will simply need to recall the answer to the driving theory test questions.

There are several websites that let you view all the questions online.

By: Stacy

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