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How To Eat Well

Food And Drink : Eat Yourself Pretty

Eating pretty is pretty easy, as long as u have a balanced diet, and drink plenty of fluids.

1)Fruit and veg- Full of anti-oxidents, minerals, vitamins fibre and much more luvly stuff!Keep peel on 4 more nutrients!!
2)nuts-Full of good fats oils and are a tasty snack(if u r not allergic 2 nuts)=Brazils r a winna!

Hope this helps!

(NOTE: u will also need plenty of xersize, and drink water to flush out impurities. Good hygiene and cleanliness is also a must!)

By: Kate

More nourishment advice

These are good tips!

There are lots of expensive programs out there that will tell you all sorts about eating healthily.

But in the end all it comes down to is eating sensibly and in moderation.

And of course also a good amount of exercise helps.

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