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EBay Tips: Find A Niche

Money : EBay

Probably the single, best way to succeed on eBay over a period of time is to find a niche, and to sell to that niche.

Of course, this is increasingly hard to do with more and more sellers and more and more trade going through the site.

Therefore it might pay to try and almost create your own trend - or spot some opportunity that you think will be just around the corner, and plan for it so that you can hit the ground running as soon as that opportunity comes to fruition.

For instance perhaps there is some new toy coming out in a few months; you could place your order in early for stock and get everything in place ready to go.

Or if you know that there is going to be a short supply of a particular item at Christmas, then one classic tactic is to buy a large stock, then to sell it on eBay just before Christmas where desperate parents will pay over the odds to get hold of that beloved toy for their children!

Another way to have success is of course just to be prepared to sell an item cheaper than other people - if you do this then often you will need a large supply.

By: Ebay User

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