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How To Get All The Contents Out A Tin Of Food

Money : Frugal With Money

If you have tins of food then you will know how convenient they are... but saying that, it can be hard to get all the food out.

Here's a great tip from reader Lisa on this:

To get all the contents out of a tin/can of food without having to use a spoon is easy when you know how - simply open the tin of food upside down the vacuum that has created will be released and let all the contents pour out of the tin!

this top tip even works with mushy peas or beans!

if you cant open the bottom for some reason simply stand the tin upside down for a few minutes before you need to open it then open the right way up.

- or open the tin, place in the saucepan then poke/stab a hole in the bottom and this will do the same job.

By: Stephen

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