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How To Get Employed Without Leaving The House

Career : Career Development

Many people know that the internet is a superb resource for both researching what's out there and finding free information resources that will help you develop.

But less people know that you can actually get employment just by using the internet!

Here's two examples:

- 1 - copywriting: if you have an eye for detail and can write great copy, find web sites that are poorly written and email the editor pointing out some mistakes and offering to write copy for them. Perhaps 2 in 10 will come back and take up on the service.

- 2 - mystery shopping: many companies are crying out for mystery shoppers and pay good rates. Simply search for mystery shoppers wanted, and you'll find lots of places waiting to snap you up and offer you work. They will often take you straight on the books as it is not cost effective for them to interview you separately.

By: Stephen

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