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How To Get Firm Skin

Beauty : Skincare

As you get older, your skin may start to lose its tightness.

However, skin can also lose firmness due to poor diet or sun damage and exposure. So, to get and keep firm skin here are some simple tips.

The first is the ensure that you don't have too much sun exposure.

Secondly, your diet can help. Avoid too much sugar in yur dier, because this can cause skin laxity.

Rather, have plenty of high protein foods that contain antioxidants. For instance, salmon is a great food to eat for firm skin because it actually contains elements that naturally have been linked to helping skin stay firm.

Olive oil and citrus juices are also great, and of course generally lots of fresh fruit and vegetables will be sure to help you stock up with the antioxidants that you need.

Finally, be sure to use dedicated skin firming creams and lotions on the parts of your body that you are most worried about, typically face and neck.

There are dedicated creams for each specific part of your body each targetted to that area, but a general cream should do and will work out cheaper!

By: Stephanie

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