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How To Get On A Gameshow


Cash in on your ability to answer the questions on daytime quiz shows, by doing the following:

(1) Go for the simple games. This is beacuse the prize is often much higher than the difficulty of the game

(2) Apply for shows that don't feature people like you. They like diversity.

(3) Get hold of an application form, rather than writing a letter. Most game shows tell you where and who to write to

(4) Fill in the form as well as you can and as fully as you can. If there is a quiz attached to do, fill in the ones you can do, do not fill in all of them from reference books and so on - if you get everything right they might not take you since then you won't have much competition on the game show!

(5) Mention anything relevant you've done - even if its just a school play tell them of your love of acting or whatever - they love people that are going to play up to the camera rather than just sit there quietly saying nothing - it makes for much more interesting viewing. Even if this isn't you, you can put it on for half an hour. Especially if the incentive is a thousand pounds prize money or a lovely holiday for the whole family! Also send in a recent photo of yourself which makes you look happy, friendly and quite extrovert - not the dodgy old passport photo!

(6) If there is an audition, go all out for it. Don't be shy and reserved, just go for it. The adrenalin should help.

(7) Speak more slowly than you do usually. People tend to ramble on and on when they are nervous and swallow their words, making it hard to understand what they are saying. Also microphones can have this effect because the sound is not quite as natural as it is between person and person, and also the quality of speakers and so on. So speak slowly and clearly. Also remember to smile a lot - no-one wants to see a miserable, solemn face on a quiz show do they?! Also stand up straight if you can!

(8) ENJOY yourself!

By: Alice Wilmore on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

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