How To Get Travel Insurance When You Are A Student
Travel : Travel Tips There are all sorts of special deals to suit your needs, whether it is for a short summer break, a backpacking trip or a more longer term situation, such as taking a gap year. The best bet is to go to a student travel shop or contact the company with whom you have insurance for halls or a flat, as they might offer travel insurance too. Be careful however not to just opt for the cheapest policy. It is not enough to cover your belongings only, but the policy should include medical insurance too, for medical treatment abroad can be very costly indeed. These policies will also often include compensation for having to return home early due to ill health, medical bills and an agreed payment to a beneficiary in the event of accidental death. You might need to pay a bit extra if you are planning on doing sports which are classed as high risk, such as water skiing, hang gliding and so on. Items like cash and mobile phones are not normally covered in these policies. You should arrange separate insurance if you do travel with your mobile phone, and consider taking travellers' cheques and a credit card rather than taking a lot of cash. If you do decide to take a credit card, make sure you have a card protection plan and a contact phone number should your card get lost or stolen. It is very tempting to think that these things would never happen to you, but you really shouldn't take the risk of travelling without a comprehensive insurance policy. Make sure you read all the clauses and know what is covered and what isn't before you part with your money and sign the contract.
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