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Help : Best Brand To Stop Spots

Beauty : Skincare

I'm not really prone to acne, but i do get them sometimes. I'm only human. sigh, i find using brands like Proactiv, Neutrogena, L'oreal and Elizabeth Arden very effectively. They work wonders. I would strongly suggest these brands to those who have oily or with blemishes problem. Of course with a healthy diet (lots of veggie, fruits and water).

However, i do need to heed some good advice, you see, when i get i zit and put medication on it; it stops growing but in turn it turns black and refuses to leave my face until a mininum of 3-5weeks. I'm going to camp in TEN days and would like to look presentable. HELP!!! Anyone has any suggestions as to how to get rid of the dead cell of a zit???? Thanks in advance..

By: Steff

More spots advice

To keep your skin looking really clear & glowing I think it's what is in your diet that counts. If you eat lots of greasy foods + chocolate (for some people chocolate gives them spots) then it's going to make your skin oily & greasy causing more spots. So my advice is to cut out the crap, eat lots of fresh fruit & veg & drink 8 glasses of water every day. Do not go too crazy using loads of different facial creams beacuse this can really dry out your skin.

Proactive may seem ok, but i did some research and it turns out that scientists have proof that proactive just spreads and infection on your face. (spots, big zits, whiteheads, blackheads...etc.) I recommend that if you have acne, use AcneFree. It comes with a face soap, repairing lotion (takes away redness.), renewing toner (balances your skin tone).

Hey just use one of these gel type creams fairly cheap under £6. Reduces the size of spots and redness within 8 hours.
They are small little tubes the size of lipgloss and they are amazing, just don't squeeze your spots otherwise it takes longer to get rid of them

I find tea tree oil, manuka honey, toothpaste and drinking green tea helps. Its the toxins in the body that makes our skin infected and our dirty fingers/polluted air making it all mucky. So always take face wipes around, buy some treatment concealer (you can get them from body shop), don't share makeup and drink lots of water.

I like biotherm http://www.biotherm.com/index.html is amazing.

I think Witch Hazel products are deffo the best but the Clean and Clear ones are pretty good 2

I would say that freederm is definetely one of the best skincare otions out there, it's not super cheap but it's reasonable and if you keep it up your skin looks amazing

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