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How Flexibility Means Career Development

Career : Career Development

These days it is the norm for those who are ambitious to change job, and even company, approximately every two years. Gone are the days of job for life in the past, where one could set anchor in a role and change little over 20 years.

So to succeed and progress in the modern working world, one needs to be flexible above anything else.

This means that you need to really focus on your transferable skills - hard skills are of course important for a particular job, but if you have those at the exclusion of softer skills you run the risk of being out of a job and not being employable.

The sort of skills, therefore, that you need to work on all the time are your communication skills and your interpersonal skills. These are key not only in getting you the next role, but of course in most jobs as well.

If you focus on developing these at all times, then you will put yourself in a great position in the modern working environs.

By: Stephen

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