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Iced Tea Recipe

Food And Drink : Drinks

Iced Tea makes for a refreshing drink. It is a popular beverage and can be enjoyed any time of the year.
Making Iced tea is also pretty simple, so you can do it at home.

You will need:
Tea Bags
Mint Garnish

Make some tea using 4 teabags and 4 cups of water. Let it stew for 4 minutes.
In a large jug place 1 cup of sugar and 4 cups of cold water. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
Pour in your brewed tea and stir.
Allow to cool and then serve in glasses over Ice, add some mint garnish for extra flavor and zest.

Why not try adding some flavor to that Iced Tea?

You could add Lemon..
Just make the Iced Tea like before but add 60ml of lemon juice to the cold water before adding the Tea.

Try adding fruit to making the Iced Tea exotic, just pop in a few of your favorite fruits at the end, to spice it up. You can add anything you like, even sprinkles of cinnamon.

Remember to always enjoy the Iced Tea immediantly so to get the best out of it, the flavor will diminish if stored for too long.

By: Jade

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