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How To Improve Your Decision Making

Self Development : Changing Your Life

Decision making is often either trivial or very hard indeed. Trivial if you want an apple or an orange, very hard if you are making a call about whether a project should go ahead or not at work when things are in the balance.

How can you work out what decision to take and improve your decision making?

Well the best is to try to go through a simple process that nevertheless will be methodical and help you understand all the various aspects that you need to go through, as follows:

- Understand the issue. This is the key. Then look at all angles that you need to take into account.

Once you have all that in mind, it is time to take an actual decision, and then act upon it.

You need to communicate the decision to people, and ensure that they understnad it.

Once it's all done remember that you need to have some sort of evaluation to see what went well what didn't go so well and get key learnings for next time.

By: Fred

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