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How To Improve Your Photography

Hobbies : Photography

If you want to improve your photography, then you will need to practice. Because as we all know, practice makes perfect.

However the best way is to set yourself mock assignments.

Imagine that you are working for a newspaper, and give yourself different briefs to take photos of. This will challenge you to work outside of your comfort zone and take photos of new and different scenarios and situations.

If at all possible, try and get a fellow photographer or someone with experience - for instance an editor of a paper - to critique some of your material to get pointers.

Whilst everyone has an individual opinion, a second set of eyes can reveal great things about your photos and help you improve no end.

Even people who are not photographers can often appreciate a good shot and what makes a shot good, or what could make one better.

Therefore don't be shy to invite criticism or praise of your works, and from that you should give yourself a great chance of learning more.

By: Stephen

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