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How To Look After Your Hair

Beauty : Haircare

1. Whether it's long or short, you should have your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to maintain the style, and get rid of any split ends.

2. When washing your hair, don't overdo shampoo or conditioner. A rough guide is a 10p sized amount per product. Don't fall for the myth that the more conditioner you use, the shinier and silkier your hair will be. This is not true! Overdoing conditioner will only result in lifeless hair that is too difficult to style. Make sure you rinse your hair properly as well - failure to do so will result in a build up of residue, also causing flat, dull hair and additional problems such as dandruff.

3. Never drag a comb or brush through wet hair, as your hair is more easily damaged when wet. Similarly, don't rub vigorously with a towel. Instead, blot your hair gently with the towel to remove excess water, then use a wide toothed comb to gently remove any tangles.

4. It is recommended that you leave your hair till it is about 80% dry before blowdrying. Always apply a mousse, gel or whatever product works best for you, as all hair becomes flyaway after washing and therefore it is important to bring this under control. When adding a product to your hair, it works best if you apply it to a brush or comb and GENTLY comb it through from root to tip. Rather than blasting your hair with the hairdryer, use clips to divide it into sections and dry each one in turn. When you are at the hairdresser, watch their technique carefully, and don't be afraid to ask for advice!

5. Take care not to overdry your hair either, as this can result in a frizzy effect. When your hair is nearly dry, comb the style into place, and use the cool air button on your dryer - this helps to keep your style in place.

6. If necessary, finish off with a gentle spritz of a holding spray to keep style in place.

By: Bev Woolfson on Sat, Jun 15th 2002

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