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Look Good In A Bikini On Holiday

Beauty : Clothes And Fashion

First of all when your in your 2-piece you may think you look bad but infact you probably dont!

Get a tan although when you wear a bikini your usually on holiday and get a tan anyway you dont want to look like a sheet of paper so get a nice tan - fake tan obviously just for starters. These dont cost to much and you can get good ones even from you chemist ect. that are fairly priced.

Next. The weeks leading up to your holiday and when you reveal your bikini and your body to many people you may want to start going to the gym as you will look great and not have to worry abput any flabby bits. go about 3 , 4 times a week and if you can fit in once a day thats perfect.

Next on the beach dont plaster yourself with make up because its a one way trip to spot city as your pores will open with the heat and it will just go down hill form there. Mascara will melt too so try clear mascara or even water resistant is good . Even better if you kinda need to wear makeup the weeks leading up to the holiday dont wear any thing on your face that will clog pores and give you breakouts eat healthily and cleanse tone and moisturise along with washing face minimum twice daily..

Next... Get a mani and pedicure it will look great on the beach and great with your bikini!

Some of the points above you may think are totally irelivent to looking good in a bikini but its the little details that count!

Last of all dont be afraid of the bikini it is your friend it makes you look great and shows off your good parts. Praise the bikini and remember in something so revealing you need confidence dont hide under the towel all holiday !!

Hope you all look lovely in your 2 piece !

By: Marianne

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