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Making A Rag Doll

Hobbies : Crafts

Making a rag doll can be great fun or even make a perfect gift for a child or friend or relative.
To make a rag doll you will need the following:
Doll template
Skin colored thread
Wool or Polyester Batting
10 by 18 inch piece of washable fabric
10 inch square of cotton jersey
Embroidery Floss

To make your dolls template you will need to follow this link
http://images.marthastewart.com/images/content/web/pdfs/2006Q4/sip_hol06_doll_template.pdf and print off the template. Then you need to fold the 10 by 18 inch piece of fabric for the body, fold it end to end, right sides facing. Lay the template on the fabric so that the dotted lines of shoulders on fold, cut out along the solid lines and pin. From the 10 inch square of cotton jersey cut a 3 by 7 inch strip and four 2 inch squares, this will be for the head and the hands and feet of the doll.

Starting at the bottom outer edge of one of the legs stitch up side to end of arm with a ΒΌ inch seam allowance. Repeat on other side. Sew the inner edges of the legs. Notch the curves on the body. Fold head rectangle in half length wise and pin. Starting at the fold stitch a curved shape across the short end and continue stitching down the open side, snip away any excess fabric you see keeping a 1/8 inch seam allowance. Turn both the pieces right side out.

Cut three 2 by 7 inch strips of wool or polyester batting and lay in star shape. Roll more batting into a 2 inch ball and place on the star. Bring strips up and around ball and use a chopstick and your fingers to push the batting inside the head the head should be firm, if it isn't add more batting.

Now you need to make the hands and feet, so tie thread the same as the skin color around the head below ball to create a neck. Stitch bottom opening closed. For hands and feet place 1 inch ball of batting on each square, bundle, tying with thread. Stuff the body but not as firm as the head, and use a gathering stitch to tighten the neck. Slip head into the neck opening with a double length of skin color thread whipstitch the head to the body. Repeat for the hands and feet.
Use pins to mark placement of the features for the face. Sew on yarn/wool in loops for the hair.
Then customize your rag doll how you like by adding the eyes and mouth and even dresses and clothes if you like.

By: Jade

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