How To Motivate Your Staff
Business : Running Your Business Keeping staff motivated and performing well can become a major headache. Examples include people doing the minimum possible, or being given a task and doing it late or not at all on a consistent basis. How do you make sure that staff are motivated to perform? Key: get to KNOW your staff more than as just a colleague. Have occasional pub lunches with staff and find out what makes them tick both at work and as a person. Why? Staff need to feel VALUED as an individual, if you alienate them they are likely to turn against you or lose heart. If they think of you as a NICE person or even as a FRIEND they are much less likely to skimp on their work. If you feel that you have a good relationship with a staff member but their work is poor, then give some feedback. Use the approach whereby you give the 'negative' feedback in a developmental way, and praise them first and after. e.g. "Your telephone manner is fantastic. Perhaps in meetings you could use the same pleasant tone as on the phone as sometimes you come across as a little aggressive. Your phone manner is excellent and your sales figures show how good at it you are" By slipping the development point in a wave of good points it lessens the blow to the fragile ego and they are more likely to take it on board.
![]() Questions about motivating staff: