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Natural Skin Care Treatments

Beauty : Skincare

Turmeric and orange juice therapy helps to reflect a glowing complexion. Apply it to your face as it works as a brilliant exfoliator and helps to remove old skin.

Rose water and Lemon juice can be mixed together. Take a ball of cotton wool and soak it into the mixture, then apply it to your face. Keep it on for about half an hour then wash it off with cold, clean water. If you do this therapy for at least 15 to 20 days, you should be able to eliminate any imperfections from your skin, so it will look better than ever.

Steam Therapy will help you to have a better skin tone. Just take two to three tablespoons of lemon grass and add it to a cup of water. Boil it and let the steam flow onto your face. The vapour will help to enhance blood circulation. After 15 to 20 mins, splash cold water onto your skin.

Tomato or orange juice can be extracted from the fruit and added to 2 tablespoons of curd. Mix them well and then use on your skin for a brilliant complexion.

By: Danielle

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