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How To Network

Career : Business Networking

Networking is the buzzword in business and it can be a daunting prospect, but it can be a great way of finding openings and promotions into the business of your choice.

A simple way to start is to look at your address book and all the business cards you've been carrying around in your wallet and write down the names of all the people you know who you suspect may know anything about your industry or who may know someone who does. People you met at conferences or on business are particularly good candidates, but you may be surprised by who your parents or close family may know if you ask them specifically.

E-Mail addresses are the easiest way to make contact. Send them a short, but friendly mail asking how they are and offer a little information about yourself. For example:

'Hello, I'm Jane Smith. Do you remember, we met at last year's expo? How are you doing? I remember you were very eager to test Software 2001. I've been taking a training course in it and am hoping to get further in this industry. I was wondering whether you knew any companies who might be hiring?"

It's amazing what a little message can do. People will usually be flattered that you remembered them and go out of their way to help. A phone call can do the same thing but might be a little more nervewracking.

By: Katharyne Harrnacker on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

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