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How To Paint Like A Professional

DIY : Decorating

If you want to paint like a professional, then there is one thing that you need above all else: a good quality paint.

Whilst you can skimp on the cost of things like brushes there is one thing that you should always get the best you can afford: and that is paint.

The quality is noticeable as you pay more, it will bind better, last longer and look better over a period of time.

A cheap paint however whilst being lighter on the pocket will start to drip and run and not have the right consistency that you are after.

Therefore use a good quality paint.

Also be sure to take your time and work methodically so that you know you will not over-concentrate on some parts of the wall and forget about some other areas!

Use a combination of across strokes and up and down and remember that you need a few coats, with the appropriate intervals between.

By: Stephen

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