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Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Food And Drink : More Recipe Ideas

You will need the following:
2 Eggs (per person), Pepper, Salt, Butter (1tbl spoon)

This will take about 15 minutes to cook and is a healthy recipe full of protein.

Whisk the eggs and pinch of salt and pepper into a bowl. Keep mixing until the mixture is of all the same consistency

Heat a frying pan and add a spoonful of butter, heat until the butter has melted but don't let the butter go brown.

Pour in the egg mixture and let it sit for about 20 seconds. Once it has sat there for that amount of time, stir with a cooking spoon, lift and fold it over from the bottom of the pan and let it sit for ten seconds, and then repeat the process until the egg has been cooked. then remove from heat and leave for a few seconds, then stir the mixture and it is ready to serve

By: Jade

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