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How To Reduce Household Bills

Money : Money Management

Bills are fact of life. Along with life, death and taxes... it just didn't get mentioned in that famous phrase!

So, what can you do to cut bills?

Well, one of the biggest bills we get comes from the heat and electricity that we might use to heat our homes. Typically older homes are great at leaking energy - bad news for you and your bills.

Therefore you should ensure that your home is well insulated. Ideally have double glazing though if you can't afford that then there is an alternative: use sheets of polythene. This is much cheaper but still works very well at insulating and reducing heat loss.

Also make sure that you only use central heating when you need to. You might know families that walk around at home in just T-shirts yet always have the heating on... strange... just wear a jumper and turn the heating off is possible!

By: Fred

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