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How To Reduce Your Appetite, Impress People, Reduce Fridge Costs, Remove Stress


How to: stop that hungry appetite

If it's hard for you to diet because you are always hungry, then why don't you have a peach before each meal. Whyzzat I hear you cry?

Well, the reason is that there is pectin in peaches, and what this seems to do is slow digestion and keep food in the old stomach just a little bit longer, according to research this is the case anyhow. So this can reduce your appetite after for a few hours. Now that's a handy little tip if ever I saw one.

How to: impress everyone with your great voice

How do you do that, then? Apparently singing regularly to yourself, out loud, in the mirror or in the shower as is more traditionally the place, can help you get a great voice, with good, clear, lucid projection. Now you have the excuse you have always wanted to sing in the shower!

How to: reduce the cost of running a fridge

If it costs a lot, then try putting a note in the door - if you can remove easily with little effort then the seal is not strong enough and letting air escape. To solve this, you should clean the seal with alcohol and bicarbonate of soda, or simply replace the seal.

Also remove the fridge from sources of heat if this is possible - don't have it next to the radiator for instance! The bills of the electrical variety should nicely reflect the time you have put into checking that the seal on the fridge is nice and tight!

How to: rid yourself of stress

Laugh! Laughter is great. It will increase the flow of good hormones in the blood and decrease levels of stress and adrenaline. It really works. So next time you're stressed, the only thing to do is laugh!

By: Steve Flynn on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

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If you have a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in 500ml water first thing in the ...
- Wed, Jun 2nd 2004

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