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How To Remove Grease From Black Hair

Beauty : Haircare

Grease, or pomade, is used to keep black hair moisturised, which helps to prevent any excessive damage and breakage from occurring. However, the continual use of this can often cause a product build up in the hair and on the scalp, causing it to become sticky. It may also slow the hair growth if it clogs the follicles up. Clarifying shampoos work best to remove any build up, so search for one of these at your local supermarket, salon or beauty store.

Make sure you purchase an appropriate clarifying shampoo to suit your hair style and type otherwise it may not work as well or cause other problems for you. Wash your hair with it, but don’t do this every day as they are a bit harsher on your hair than normal products. Maybe use once every 2 weeks.

After you have washed it, rinse it through thoroughly. Wash it again with a moisturising shampoo to balance it out and add the moisture back in. Rinse your hair thoroughly again and style as you normally would.

By: Danielle

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