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How To Save On Your Shopping


Many people don't check their bills at the supermarket, and sometimes overpay as a result.

One estimated report said the average person could save ?50 a year just by checking their bill!

There are two common problems with those automatic scanners at tills. The first is that an item registers twice so you double pay.

The other problem is that a special offer or two-for-one may not register, even if the items are scanned one after the other.

Therefore always take the time to spend a minute checking through your bill before you leave the supermarket store.

Over the course of the year you can get a whole weeks worth of extra shopping if you get the average amount of errors made on your bill - most people just don't think it happens because they don't check their bill!

Also with fruit and veg ensure that they have used the right variety or species as cost can vary dramatically and if they think you have the wrong fruit or veg then you may overpay accordingly!

By: Fred

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