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Skin Care Essentials

Beauty : Hands And Feet

If you want to look after your skin - and let's face it who doesn't (apart from lots of men!) then there are some simple steps that you should follow.

Surprisingly, however, many women seem to miss out one or more of these steps by accident or design, which is a mistake - you need all these working together for optimum skin care.

These are the steps that you should follow:

- start off with some good cleansing, to ensure skin and pores are clear and unblocked. Residual make up can really harm skin

- moisturising is essential, as it will keep skin supple and moist

- remember to exfoliate on a regular basis: this is a step that many miss out

Finally, be sure to treat your skin only when necessary. Don't go overboard as many chemicals that are supposed to treat spots and so on are actually quite damaging to the skin as well!

By: Stephanie

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