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How To Stick To A Budget

Self Development : Money

If you are on a budget, then it can be hard to stick to it, as you will surely know!

Therefore you need to remove temptation to go outside the budget, or in fact make it impossible.

The best way is to get rid of any credit facilities that you might have, so you physically cannot 'slip' and spend beyond your means.

Next get into the habit of taking out the cash that you need for a week, and keeping it at home.

Why? Because when the money is physically real as coins and notes it makes a big difference. It is much harder to hand over cash than a piece of plastic where we never see or feel those notes flittering away.

With the cash that you have, you need to promise not to take out any more money that week.

This way, you can see exactly how much you have day by day, and ensure that you don't spend beyond your means.

By: Fred

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