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Understanding Rugby

Sport : Rugby

Here is a guide to understanding rugby, so you never have to feel confused while the rugby is on.

Each rugby match lasts for 80 minutes, and is separated into two 40 minute halves. There is a ten minute half time break.

The game is between two teams, each team consisting of 15 players.
These players all have different positions on the pitch, with 8 of them making up the forwards and 7 making up the backs.

The Ball..
The ball can be moved either by carrying it, kicking it or passing it.
The ball cannot be passed forward by hand. If the player wants the ball to move forward he must carry or kick it.
If the ball is passed forward it is called a knock on, which results in a scrum to the other team.

The Scrum..
A scrum is used many times during a game, and is usually the normal restart for a number of situations.
Two sets of forwards from opposing teams mass together by binding their shoulders. They then try to hook the ball
back to their teams side once it has been placed in the scrum.

If a team are awarded with a penalty, they have three options:
They can kick the ball out of bounds to receive a line out.
They can take a free kick.
They can take a penalty kick at goal.
(Whatever option the team takes, the other team that committed the offence have to retreat 10 meters from the site of the foul)

The aim..
The aim of the game is to score as many points as possible, this can be by try, conversion, drop goal or penalty. The winning team is the one with the highest score.

This is when a team grounds the ball over the goal line. It is like the touchdown in American Football. A try scores 5 points.

If a team scores a try, they get a chance to convert it by kicking the ball between the goal posts. The kick must be taking in line with where the try went down. This scores 2 points.

Drop Goal!...
This is when a player drop kicks the ball between the goal posts during the run of play. This scores 3 points.

This is where one or more of the players from each team try to maintain or gain possession by closing in around the ball and driving their opponent away from it.

This is the way the ball is restarted after it has gone out of bounds. The lineout is awarded to the team who didn't put the ball out of bounds.
The teams form two lines of players and the ball is thrown down the middle.
Players jump up or are lifted in the air by their team mates to try and gain possession of the ball.

By: Jade

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