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How to Boil Milk without Sticking

How do you boil milk without it sticking to the pan?

Do you need to add water before adding milk?

Question From: bhanu bandaru - Apr 28th 2006


Boiling milk without it stirring is quite simple.

The key is to stand over and stir the milk every ten seconds or so as it boils.

This will prevent it from sticking to the pan.

Reply From: Stephanie - May 23rd 2006

That's not much help actually! what is the temperature at which milk boils? does "milk and cream" make a difference? does the addition of sugar or salt make a difference?
does milk "boil" when it's like water, rolling and bubbling?
My mother always told me that milk burned very easy--and to be careful--but I can't seem to find some direcitons
I'm making a bread pudding today--and it says "bring two cups of cream and one cup of half and half to a boil"


Reply From: Warren Peace - Apr 16th 2007

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