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Clean synthetic shower curtains

How do I clean a synthetic shower curtain? The stains are mainly grubby marks and a pink stain from the water-not sure what this is.

Question From: Deirdre Hanna - Jan 31st 2004


Clean shower curtains is tricky but necessary as stains build up from soap, water and dirt from the skin and look unattractive.

Some people simply put their shower curtain in a separate wash in the machine and this works fine.

You could also try lying the shower curtain in the garden and using a bucket of warm soapy water like you would to wash the car. This can work too.

For tougher stains try using a little bleach.

Of course if stains are strong or too ingrained then it is more cost effective to buy a new shower curtain than spend a lot of time and effort in trying to remove stains.

Reply From: Stephanie - Feb 9th 2006

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