Creams for spots
I am 13 years old, i have now had acne for just over two years now. I tried using such face washes like, Clearasel, Witch, Tea Tree Oil and other kinds. These didn't work after using them for over a year. I then went to the doctor and got cream but that also didnt help infact they got worse. I went back and the doctor gave me tablets and cream called *Panoxel* the doctor said that that should clear them up quite well after about two months. So this has been five months and still no diference. I just don't know what to do next or if i now have them forever.
Can anyone help me?
Question From: Michael Murray - Jan 29th 2006
If these treatments do not work for you then consider going back to the doctor and getting their expert opinion as to why the current methods you are using may not be working... good luck!
Reply From: Stephanie - Feb 10th 2006
You can also go to skin specialists. they can do wonders =D
Reply From: Hazza - Feb 22nd 2007
Dont worry, i have the same problem. But try using Clearisul ultra products like the scrub etc. it worked wonders for me! hope this helped a bit
Reply From: Nickii - Jan 26th 2008
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