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My Hamster Bites

My hamster will eat quite happily from my fingers, and let me stroke her, but she wont sit on my hand, and as soon as I try and pick her up, she bites (really hard!)

I'm trying to be patient, but I'm getting put off as I've been bitten so much. any ideas?

Question From: debra - Mar 21st 2006


Rather then trying to pick your hamster up, let her come on to your hand. First you should buy an exercise ball if you haven't got one yet. Simply take the lid off the exercise ball and put it up to the cage door and your hamster will hopefully walk in. Then, put the ball over a surface, I use an empty bath, take the door off the ball, put your hand by the entrance and be patient eventually your hamster will walk onto your hand, and hopefully she won't bite you. Keep doing this and eventually she will freely walk onto your hand. But the trick is to let her come onto your hand rather than you picking her up.

Reply From: Peach - May 20th 2006

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