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How to overcome relationship problems

my partner and i work all day and come home at around 7 each night. everyday when he gets home form work he jumps onto the PS2, the XBox or the Computer, and stays there til we go to bed. its getting so bad that when i ask him to spend some time with me or help me with something, he would rather not. im feeling as if the computer games are more exciting and interesting that i am...ive tried talking to him and nothing seems to be hapening. i dont know what to do...i feel that our relationship is beginning to fall apart... plz help =(

Question From: Tanya Watson - Oct 7th 2004


Sorry to hear about the breakdown of your relationship.

It sounds like he is almost addicted to the computer and the escapism that this offers.

This could be due to problems at work, or in his personal life with you - either way it is adversely affecting your relationship.

When he is not tired and stressed, for instance at the weekend, tackle the issue with him and explain how it makes you feel.

It may be that he opens up in which case you can deal with it, if he refuses to, gets defenses and denies it is an issue then you will have to consider ending the relationship as painful as that may seem.

Reply From: Stephanie - Feb 9th 2006

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