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How to remove ants from house

Ive got ants in my house. They obviously live there and have done for a while (only moved in 6 months ago). How do I get rid of them? Ive tried sprays, powder and Nippon. The nippon did kill a few but they are now walking around the bait as if to say' hey were not willing to kill ourself'. On viewing the house i did notice 2 ants pottering in the kitchen...she obviously had ANTS then....please help im desperate to get rid of them ;O(

Question From: paula - Mar 1st 2006


Hi Paula

There are many ways to get rid of ants naturally from the home without recourse to powders and potions!

First of all you need to find how they are getting into the house - follow the trail - and then take steps to cut this off, for instance cementing the small hole they are coming through.

Often they move around food, so keep the food waste and rubbish well away from the back door or anywhere near the house.

Also ensure that your house is very dry and there is no damp - ants do need water and if there is no water available they will not stay in the house long.

Finally, ensure that the areas where the ants are are covered with citrus peelings mixed with water.

Don't just put in one area where the ants can walk around but put it where they can't avoid it - the smell of citrus is nice to you but revolting to ants, and they won't stay around for long!

Reply From: Fred - Mar 1st 2006

Thanks for your quick reply Fred. They are in the house. Its a new house 8 years old so shouldnt be damp. They are in an internal wall which i have a feeling they are living in / near a soil pipe which is internal in the house...ie getting in under the floor via soil pipe???

Reply From: Paula - Mar 1st 2006

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