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Remove wax from your cat

I have a problem. My cat got in to a candle and got wax all over his tail and back legs. Any ideas how to get the wax off the cat?

Question From: Sheri - Jan 20th 2004


We had a small candle burning above the couch on a shelf and it "leaked" down the wall and onto the couch - our dog (who has very fine hair like a cat) was sleeping on the couch at the time. Needless to say, she had wax all over her head and neck. I used Avon's "Skin So Soft" to get it off. Just put a little on a rag and use the rag to wipe them off. It loosens it and a lot will come off on the rag, the rest you can pretty much take your hand and wipe it out - after using the rag to go over the spot(s). It came out pretty easily plus it helps protect from mosquitos too. It's also great for them to have a shiny healthy coat - just don't put a lot on - just barely. It has kept the shedding down too..

Reply From: Drew - May 18th 2004

You should take your pet to your vet to make sure the heat from the wax didnm't damage her. Your vet will also give you advice on how to remove the wax or may shave the cat's fur off around the area where the wax is.

Reply From: Peach - Aug 18th 2005

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