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Removing Burn Marks

How do I get the burnt in stuff off that surrounds the rings on my cooker. I have bought varies creams etc and even used wire scourers and brillo pads, but it just doesnt seem to shift it

Question From: Gillian - Mar 26th 2009


Gillian -
I had the same problem. After trying everything under the sun, I hit on Goo Gone - which is citrus oil. I generously applied it to the stove and let it sit overnight. Took a lot off. Still had to use elbow grease with a soft scrubber (like Scotch-Brite) and it did come off.
After cleaning, if there are scratches, it's good to use a clear scratch filler (the only one I know is GS27, which you can get online or in an automotive store). After that, believe it or not, an inexpensive car wax applied to your stove (they're heat resistent) will make your stove surface slick.
The grease will not be able to "grab" into the scratches or the surface.
Good luck.

Reply From: Jeanne Salimbene - Dec 4th 2009

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