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Things To Do In Madrid

Travel : Destinations

Visit the massive Prado Museum to see an incredible collection of art. It is one of the best in the world.

The Sunday flea market in Plaza de Cascorro and Ribera de Curtidores (between Calle Toledo and Calle Embajadores) has everything from top notch antiques to junk and is lots of fun.

Go clubbing, and have coffee and churros at a cafe. The nightlife starts late and finishes at breakfast.

Watch a Real Madrid Match at the stadium.

The Buen Retiro park is beautiful and located in the centre of Madrid. It has many elegant promenades, street performers and, in later on, relaxing Madrilenos taking their daily walk.

Visit the Royal Palace and take a tour, or watch the horses and guards prosession from outside.

Watch a play in the local theatre and pick up your knowledge of the Spanish language. The city boasts lots of restaurants and shopping so try some new foods or buy some Spanish clothes.

The Palacio de Cristal, Cibeles, Gran Via, Plaza Mayor, are all other must see places to go.

By: Danielle

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