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What Are The Disadvantages Of Deciding To Take A Gap Year

Travel : Gap Years

If you decide to take a gap year before university then the attractions are immediately obvious.

Perhaps less so are the potential disadvantages. As with the advantages these depend to a large extent on the person, however these are the sorts of elements that you should consider from the negative point of view towards a gap year:

The main difference is that you might feel you are behind all your mates who do go on to university, you will be a year behind them from this point on - in going to univesity, in getting a job in the majority of cases, so it may feel they have moved more quickly than you.

You may of course also decide not to go to university after your gap year, not necessarily a bad thing but certainly a considerable change of perspective.

It might also make it harder for you to focus on study and work again in terms of education having had that year out.

Also you need to make sure that you do something productive with the gap year - the temptation for many is to travel for say six months, then basically spend the rest of the time relaxing and doing nothing - you need to be productive to get the most out of the gap year and not ultimately for it to be a wasted opportunity.

By: Stacy

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